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March 15, 2010


A candidate passing his tenth from any recognized school/college located within the national Capital of Delhi only and securing at least 60% in pcm aggregate plus has separately passed in each subject is eligible to sit for the exam usually held in the end of may.For outside Delhi region, a student needs to get a good rank in AIEEE in order to secure admission.
Applicant must be 17 years of age and maximum 25 years of age on or before the first October of the year in which he/she seeks admission.

Since DCE or I should say Delhi Technological University paper never used to get public before 2009 , there's no point putting up question papers of those years. Some people do put up previous years papers, but they are not the exact ones. However you can get a rough idea by doing sample papers issued by dce itself.So here is a list of them.

DCE Sample Papers:

If you didn't find what you were looking for then just tell me by leaving a comment.I'll try answering that.

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